Master plant
medicine teachers

having a community is very important to us which is why we have opened
membership to the public. we have incorporated plant medicine
teachers into our space which will only be available to members. participating in
closed circle sacraments is protected under the first amendment. membership is free
and all you need to do is apply. we ask that you please be honest about any medications
that you are currently taking as certain prescriptions might have an adverse effect.

participation with plant teachers is an added bonus of your membership and is not required.
however, membership will be required in order to participate in future events, ceremonies and classes.

we expect our members to be respectful and inclusive of others. we take pride in being an
eclectic safe space where people can come together regardless of their belief systems, age, race and sexual orientation.
Plant medicines are the sacrament of our sacred space.

Not only dow we work with grandmother medicine but we also have the ability to diet master healing plants from the jungle. The plants we are currently working with are Noyarao, Marusa and bobinsana.
our medicines are sourced from the amazon and from trusted individuals that we have met in person and have built a rapport with.

we can diet these plants through tinctures and teas. while it sounds like a foreign concept once you have integrated you will have such a vast understanding of what it is to connect to the plant spirits. The connection is like a vivid dream and the healing is endless.

If you are interested in a membership application or would like more
information about our plant medicine ceremony offerings, please send us an email at